Perfect Screens Help File 
Copyright (c) Pitrinec Software, All Rights Reserved. 








Perfect Screens is a virtual screens (virtual desktops) manager. It allows a user to organize work on several screens (desktops) and make the user to feel like having several monitors. Organizing windows on several virtual screens decrease the number of windows displayed on the screen at the same time and allows the user better orientation and faster switching among applications. The Taskbar is not full of buttons of all running applications but only the buttons of applications presented on the given screen are in the Taskbar. Windows can be copied/moved among screens very easily if necessary. 
Perfect Screens also dramatically simplifies launching applications and accessing desired files. Each screen has its own Screen menu and toolbar containing applications and files associated with the given screen. On each screen, the user is only one click far from opening desired application or file (or URL location). 
Having several screens, each for a typical activity like document processing, networking, file management, system management, gaming, etc., allows the user to logically divide work on several screens, be more efficient and have clearer desktop. 

There is a short list of major Perfect Screens features making it very comfortable and time saving utility: 

  • The program allows a user to run a lot of applications without losing track of them as well as the ability to switch among them quickly.
  • Several virtual screens each for a different activity (document processing, file management, networking, etc.).
  • Each screen can have its own wallpaper.
  • Each screen has its own Screen menu (very similar to Start menu) and toolbar for fast applications launching.
  • Each virtual screen is (optionally) scrollable.
  • Automatic launching of specified application when entering screen.
  • Supports drag & drop to add new items to Screen menu and toolbar.
  • Very flexible and customizable (integrated bar, two bars, in Taskbar,etc.)
  • Network support. The program can be installed on a network server and used by several users. Users can share screens as well as applications and other items.
  • Multiple users support. Several users sharing a computer can use the same copy of the program. Each user has his/her own profile. Users can share screens as well as applications and other items.
  • Privacy. Program settings and screen and item access can be protected by a password.

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Main Settings

Toolbar - this section is available for integrated bar only. 

  • Auto hide - allows to switch on/off auto hide feature (off is default).
  • Screen button shape - allows to specify a shape of the screen buttons (rectangular is default).
  • Application buttons shape - allows to specify a shape of the item (application) buttons (flat is default).
  • Menu icons - specify the size of icons in the Screen menu here (default is small).

Shortcut keys 

  • Next screen - hot key that allows to switch to the next screen (default Ctrl+Alt+Right arrow).
  • Previous screen - hot key that allows to switch to the previous screen (default Ctrl+Alt+Left arrow).
  • Pop up the screen menu - hot key that allows to pop up Screen menu.


  • Upper right corner ... - specify what should happen when moving mouse cursor to the upper right corner of the screen (default is "Run default screen saver").
  • Go to next/previous screen... - if checked, moving mouse cursor to the right/left border of the screen switches to the next/previous virtual screen. Default is unchecked.


  • User - allows to specify user password and the level of protection (Program start - protects Perfect Screens from unauthorized start, Program position - protects Perfect Screens from unauthorized changing position, Program exit - protects Perfect Screens from unauthorized exit, All settings - protects all settings from unauthorized change).
  • Administrator - allows to specify administrator password and the level of protection (Program position - protects Perfect Screens from unauthorized changing position, Program exit - protects Perfect Screens from unauthorized exit, All settings - protects all settings from unauthorized change).


  • Save eyes when switching... - is the special mode that minimizes windows flickering when switching screens. If checked the switching is a little bit slower. Default is unchecked.
  • Do not show splash screen... - if checked the splash window (the window shown when Perfect Screens is starting) is not shown at start up.
  • Show number of windows ... - if checked, the number of windows opened on each screen is shown on screen buttons and screen button tool tips.
  • Do not show 'Screen icon' - if checked, the screen icon appearing close to the upper right corner of an active window is not shown. Default is unchecked.
  • Alow 'Alt+left click' on window title - if checked, the 'Alt+left click' has the same effect as right click on screen icon. This is an option for those users who have screen icon disabled (by "Do not show 'Screen icon'" option).
  • Automatically switch to screen with active application - if checked, the Perfect Screens will automatically switches to the screen with active application. Sometimes a user action in some application results in activating another application (for example, if the user double-clicks MS Word document file in Explorer the document is opened within (already running) MS Word and it is activated). If this happens the Perfect Screens automatically switches to the screen with the newly activated application.
  • Global items - if checked, 'Global items' submenu is presented in Screen menu.
  • Shared items - if checked, 'Shared items' submenu is presented in 'Global items' submenu of Screen menu. 'Shared items' submenu collects items shared among all users. This submenu makes sense only in a case there are several users wanting to share items (either multiple users using Perfect Screens simultaneously in network environment or multiple users uses the same computer). Default is unchecked.
  • Private items - if checked, 'Private items' submenu is presented in Screen menu of shared screens. 'Private items' submenu collects items private to the given users on the shared screens. This option makes sense only in a case there are several users sharing screens. Default is unchecked.

User management 

There is the list of user using Perfect Screens. The names in the list are used by users to log in to Perfect Screens when it is starting. Each user has its own settings saved under his name. It is possible to add, copy, rename and delete users from the list. If there is an administrator password defined only administrator has rights to manipulate user list. 

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Screen Settings

  • Name - the name of the screen that appears on the screen button and ToolTip.
  • Shortcut key - shortcut key allows switching among screens just using keyboard.
  • Change Icon - allows to change a screen button icon. If no icon should be displayed then put "none" word to "File name": field in the "Change icon" dialog window.
  • Change sound - allows to define sound that should be played when the screen is entering.
  • Local wallpaper - if checked, the current wallpaper is associated with the screen. Next you switch to this screen the wallpaper is restored. Default is unchecked.
  • Show Screen menu as a toolbar - shows the toolbar window with buttons representing chosen Screen menu items. If Perfect Screens runs in integrated bar this option is always checked. Default is checked.
  • This is the default screen - if checked, the program will switch to this screen after start.
  • Move screen button << - allows to reorganize the screen buttons order (moves the screen button left).
  • Move screen button >> - allows to reorganize the screen buttons order (moves the screen button right).


  • Alt+right click takes effect on the desktop only - if checked, user can pop up Screen menu by right click (plus Alt key pressed) on the desktop (out of any window) only. If unchecked, user can pop up Screen menu by right click (plus Alt key pressed) anywhere on the screen. Default is unchecked.
  • Big Screen - if checked, user can scroll screen by moving mouse to the edge of the screen. The screen is scrollable only if there is a window exceeding an edge of the screen. Default is unchecked.
    - Automatically show active window
    - if this option is checked, Perfect Screens automatically scrolls big screen so that the whole content of the currently active window is visible. This option is available only when "Big screen" option is checked. Default is unchecked. 
  • Protect from unauthorized access - if checked, the program requires user password any time a user want to enter the screen. This option is available only if a user password is defined ("Passwords" section of the "Main settings"). Default is unchecked.
  • Protect from unauthorized modifications - if checked, the program requires user password any time a user want to enter the screen settings. This option is available only if a user password is defined ("Passwords" section of the "Main settings"). Default is unchecked.
  • Share - press to add this screen to list of shared screens. Shared screens can be used by other users either in network environment or on the same computer. For more information see "Administrator" section of this help.

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Item Settings

  • Item Name - the name that appears in the Screen menu (and on the toolbar button and its ToolTip if the toolbar is enabled).
  • Item Type - select from application (or document file), submenu, directory or hotkey type.
    - Document/Application
    - specified document or application is opened. There are also www addresses (URL) allowed if MS Internet Explorer is installed. 
    - Submenu - creates new submenu in the menu hierarchy. 
    - Directory (Folder) - if such item is clicked window with files (only relevant file types you define) of the specified directory is shown. 
    - HotKey - when clicked specified hotkey is pressed. This allows to associate macros (defined in Perfect Keyboard utility, for example) or other hotkeys with buttons and fire them by mouse click. 
    - Macro - creates macro using Perfect Keyboard program. Perfect Keyboard version 2.25 or better must be installed if user wants to use macros.
  • Change Icon - allows to change the item icon. If no icon should be displayed then put "none" word to "File name:" field of the "Change icon" dialog window. To use default icon (recommended) put "default" there.
  • Target - the application (or document file) path or URL or hotkey. Depends on item type described above.
  • Parameters - parameters to be passed to the launched application.
  • Start in - the application default directory.
  • Shortcut key - allows to launch the application pressing specified key combination on the keyboard.
  • Open - the initial window state (restored, minimized, maximized).
  • Show item in Toolbar - if checked, the item is visible in the toolbar as a button.


  • Separate by menu separator - if checked, places menu separator above the item in the Screen menu. Doesn't affect toolbar.
  • Save size and position - if checked, the program saves the last size and position of the application's window. Apply this option with caution only to those applications which do not save size and position themselves.
  • Open automatically ... - if checked, the application is automatically launched when the screen is entered.
  • Close automatically ... - if checked, the application is automatically closed when leaving the screen.
  • Visible on all screens - if checked, the application launched is visible and accessible on all screens. Useful for applications like clocks, resource meters, etc. that user wants to have available from any screen.
  • Protect from unauthorized access - if checked, the program requires user password any time a user want to launch the item. This option is available only if a user password is defined ("Passwords" section of the "Main settings").
  • Protect from unauthorized modifications - if checked, the program requires user password any time a user want to enter the item settings. This option is available only if a user password is defined ("Passwords" section of the "Main settings").

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A macro is a series of key (and/or mouse) events and commands grouped together as a single command to accomplish a more complex task. Macros can save significant amount of time when doing repetitive tasks.

Perfect Screens allows you to use macros thanks to very close integration with Perfect Keyboard - #1 text replacement and macro utility. You can create or record new macros directly from within Perfect Screens as well as select already existing macros from Perfect Keyboard files. In main menu select one of the item:

  • Add \ Macro
  • Add \ Record macro
  • Add \ Select macro

To be able to use macros you have to have Perfect Keyboard version 2.25 or later installed on your system. Once you have Perfect Keyboard installed you can use it also as a single program with all the functionality it offers.

For more information and download visit our web site.

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Perfect Screens, when installed on a network server, can be used by multiple users without necessity to install any part of the software on a client's workstation.  Everything needed resides on the network server.  This approach very simplifies the software administration (upgrading, new users, etc.). 
Perfect Screens administrator creates a list of users and each user then can log into Perfect Screens under the name assigned by administrator.  A user can customize Perfect Screens (add screens, items, change position, etc.) and all his changes are automatically saved in his profile. 
All users can share screens (usually prepared by administrator) and items (applications installed on the network server, for example).  Only administrator has rights to delete or modify shared screens and items but other users still can add their own private items to a shared screen menu and customize it in this manner. 
Shared screens: 

  • To add a screen to list of shared screens go to the "Screen settings" dialog box and press "Share" button. 

    To delete a shared screen from the list of shared screens go to "Add screen" dialog box, select the screen in the list and  press "Remove" button.  This will remove the screen from the list so that it will not be available for other users anymore.  Only administrator can perform this operation. 

    To add a shared screen to Perfect Screens bar go to "Add screen" dialog box, select desired screen from the list and press "Select shared screen".  The "Add screens" dialog window appears only if there are already some shared screens presented in the list. 

    To delete a shared screen from the Perfect Screens bar  just use the "Delete screen" operation.  This will remove the screen from the bar but it is not deleted from the list of shared screens and it is still available for other users. 

Shared items: 

Shared items are collected in the "Shared items" submenu.  The submenu is the first item of "Global items" submenu.  Each of these submenus can be enabled/disabled in "Main settings" in "Advanced" section.  All menu items of "Shared items" submenu are common for all users. 

  • To add new item to "Shared items" submenu just click "Add new item" item of the submenu and set appropriate properties. 

    To change properties of an item right click on the menu item and go to "Properties" dialog box. 

    To delete an item just right click an item and select "Delete" from the menu shown. 

Private items: 

"Private items" can be found only in Screen menus of shared screens. The submenu contains  items private to the given user. A user can customize a shared screen by adding private items to the Screen menu (and toolbar). 


Administrator manages list of users in the "Main settings" in "User management" section. Administrator also specifies the level of Perfect Screens protection from changes by other user. The level of protection can be set in the "Main settings" in "Passwords" section. Only administrator has rights to add, delete and modify shared screens and add, delete and modify shared items. 

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Main menu

  • Main Settings - access main settings property sheet. More information can be found in "Main settings" section of this help.
  • Paste item - adds (pastes) item previously copied to the clipboard using "Copy" operation.
  • Auto hide - if checked, the toolbar is to be hiding itself when mouse is moved out of the toolbar area.
  • Hide to Taskbar - hides Perfect Screens so that it is not visible on the screen. Arrow icon is added to the tray area in the Taskbar. Perfect Screens can be accessed through this icon.
  • All taskbar buttons - if checked, buttons of all running applications are presented in the Taskbar. Clicking on a button activates associated application and switches to a virtual screen where the application runs. This allows user to organize windows on several screens but switch applications just by standard Windows means (clicking buttons in the Taskbar, Alt+Tab).
    If this option is unchecked, only buttons of applications running on given screens are shown in the Taskbar. This approach gives better survey of applications running on the given screen. 
  • Show mini screens - if checked, miniature of each screen is shown on screen button face instead of icon.
  • Move - available when screens buttons and items buttons reside in two different toolbars. Allows to move toolbar to other position on the screen.
  • Resizing frame - available when screens buttons and items buttons reside in two different toolbars. Enables/disables toolbar resizable frame.
  • Register - allows user to fill and send registration form to purchase Perfect Screens and register it when registration number is obtained.
  • Exit - exits Perfect Screens.
  • Add \ ... - allows to add new item. Fill item settings and press OK button. More information about item settings can be found in "Item settings" section in this help.
  • Add \ Screen - adds new virtual screen (desktop). In the dialog appeared, press "Create new screen" to add new local screen. If there are some shared screens user can select a screen from the list. More information about sharing screens and multiple users support can be found in "Administrator" section of this help.
  • Other settings \ Current Screen - access screen settings of the currently active screen. More information can be found in "Screens settings" section of this help.
  • Other settings \ Integrated bar - sets Perfect Screens to one of the default configuration - integrated bar. Both screen buttons and item buttons are in one toolbar similar to Windows Taskbar. This configuration can be further customized. Previous configuration (toolbar position, icon size, etc.) is lost but all screens and items are not touched.
  • Other settings \ Two bars - sets Perfect Screens to one of the default configuration - two bars. Screen buttons are placed in one bar and item buttons are placed in another bar (on right side of the screen in autohide mode). This configuration can be further customized. Previous configuration (toolbar position, icon size, etc.) is lost but all screens and items are not touched.
  • Other settings \ Minimal - sets Perfect Screens to one of the default configuration - minimal. Screen buttons are placed in the tray area of the Taskbar and item buttons are placed in a bar (on right side of the screen in autohide mode). This configuration can be further customized. Previous configuration (toolbar position, icon size, etc.) is lost but all screens and items are not touched.
  • Other settings \ Unix like- sets Perfect Screens to one of the default configuration. Screen buttons are placed in a bar on lower right area of the screen. Items toolbar is disabled (can be enabled from screen settings dialog box). This configuration can be further customized. Previous configuration (toolbar position, icon size, etc.) is lost but all screens and items are not touched.
  • Other settings \ Original screen - enables/disables a special screen called "Original screen". All applications running are accessible on this screen.
  • Other settings \ Toolbar - available when screens buttons and items buttons reside in two different toolbars. Allows to define toolbar look, position, buttons shape, buttons size, etc.
  • Other settings \ Global - available when screens buttons and items buttons reside in two different toolbars. Allows to specify some properties (in general specific for each screen and toolbar) for all screens and toolbars from one dialog box.
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    Button menu, Screen item menu

  • Open - performes "open" operation on the item (opens file, starts application, runs macro, etc.)..
  • Insert \ ... - allows to insert new item to the given position. Fill item settings and press OK button. More information about item settings can be found in "Item settings" section in this help.
  • Copy - copies an item to the clipboard.
  • Cut - copies an item to the clipboard and deletes it.
  • Paste - pastes an item copied to the clipboard by previous use of Copy/Cut operation to the given position.
  • Move - allows to move item to other position and reorder the Screen menu and toolbar.
  • Hide - if checked, the item is not visible in the toolbar but only in the Screen menu.
  • Delete - deletes item.
  • Go To Menu - opens Screen menu the item belongs to.
  • Properties - accesses item properties dialog box.
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    Screen button menu

  • Screen menu- opens opens Screen menu associated with the given screen.
  • Screen settings - accesses screen properties dialog box.
  • Add screen - allows to add a new screen. If there are multiple users sharing screens then user can select a screen from the list of shared screens.
  • Delete screen - deletes screen. If the screen is private (not selected from the list of shared screens) then the deleted screen is no longer available. If the screen is shared then it is still available from "Add screen" dialog box.
  • List of windows (application) running on the given screen - left click activates given window; right click pops up "Application operations" menu.
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    Application operations

  • Move - when this item is clicked a blue tip "Move to screen" appears next to mouse cursor. Clicking a screen button will move the window to that screen.
  • Copy - when this item is clicked a blue tip "Copy to screen" appears next to mouse cursor. Clicking a screen button will copy the window to that screen.
  • Copy to all screens - copies the given application/window to all screens.
  • Remove - removes application/window from the screen. Window cannot be removed from the "Original screen". "Original screen" is a special screen all applications running are visible there regardless on which screen really run.
  • Add as new item - allows to add running application to items toolbar (screen menu). The file path of running application is retrived automatically thus a user doesn't have to search for it in Start menu or other location. This is the easiest way how to add an application to toolbar but unfortunatelly doesn't work 100 % with all applications.  There may be probelms with adding system applications like Control Panel or with application being run with parameters (like Netscape's e-mailer "netscape.exe -mail").
  • Copy to here - (available only from list of windows under screen button) copies given application/window to the active screen.
  • Move to here - (available only from list of windows under screen button) moves given application/window to the active screen.
  • Restore - (available only from list of windows under screen button) restores application on the active screen.
  • Go back - (available only from list of windows under screen button) returns to the "Screen button menu".
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    License agreement

    Upon your acceptance of this Agreement, Pitrinec Software (Author) grants to
    you a nonexclusive license to use the Perfect Screens software (Software).

    1.Use of the Software.

    The Software has been released for distribution as a SHAREWARE and
    may be distributed at no cost.

    You are granted a license to try the Software for 30 days. After this time,
    the Software must be registered or removed from the system.

    You may install the Software on a hard disk or other storage device;
    install and use the Software on a file server for use on a network for
    the purposes of (i) permanent installation onto hard disks or other
    storage devices or (ii) use of the Software over such network; and make
    backup copies of the Software.


    Unregistered use of the Software after the 30-day evaluation period is in violation
    of international copyright laws.

    You are not allowed to modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile,
    disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software.

    The number of the (licensed) Software instances running at the same time may
    not exceed the number of licenses purchased.

    You are not allowed to redistribute or provide to 3rd party already registered
    versions of the Software as well as you may not publish the registration number(s)
    that unlock the Software.

    The Software can be distributed only as the package provided by the Author.
    This package cannot be change in any way without written Author's permission.

    3.No Warranty.


    Unpublished-rights reserved under international copyright laws.

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    Price list

    As stated in "License agreement" part of this document, the Perfect Screens is a shareware program and must be registered if a user decides to keep it. There are several ways how to register it.  User can either use on-line registration or send registration form via e-mail or snail mail (in such a case there is a Register.exe program provided with the package allowing user to generate registration form). User can choose among several payment methods including credit cards, cash, money order, etc. 
    To register, just open main Perfect Screens menu and select "Register..." item and then follow instructions.

    Registration price list: 

    License: Price (US $):
    Upgrade from version 1.x or 2.x 5.00
    1 User (copy) 29.00
    5 Users (copies) 99.00
    10 Users (copies) 149.00
    25 Users (copies) 299.00
    50 Users (copies) 449.00
    * Site license  790.00
    ** World-wide license 2290.00
    * Site license (educational organizations) 290.00
    ** World-wide license (educational organizations) 490.00

    Multiple users license (e.g., 10 users license) can be either used so that there are several users using the same copy of the program installed on a network server or there are several copies of the program installed on users' workstations (each user has own copy installed on the computer). In any case the number of users using the program (not necessarily at the same time) may not exceed the number of copies licensed. 

    * Site license is for unlimited number of users at one organization, and within a radius of 100 miles (160 km) from one central location. 
    ** An organization that has offices further than that and wants to use the product in these distant locations, should buy a world-wide license 

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